AWS infrastructure automation is time consuming and at certain times the tooling documenation like cloudformation and terraform does not have clear documentation of the attributes. But for certain AWS services like the ones I'll be discussing in this post you can use the AWS Console UI to guide to create a version of the object and then grab the attributes from the object through the cli and convert it to cloudformation or terraform then you can use variable references instead of hard coding to generalize the object.
I'll start by assuming a codepipeline project was created in the console and was named example-pipeline, and you have aws cli v2 installed and creds configured.
aws2 codepipeline get-pipeline \
--name frontend-pipeline-prod-from-production \
--output yaml > example_pipeline.yaml
And this is a sample content of the example_pipeline.yaml file:
created: '2019-11-22T16:32:48.387000+01:00'
pipelineArn: arn:aws:codepipeline:<region>:<account_id>:example-pipeline
updated: '2019-11-22T16:42:02.548000+01:00'
location: example-artifact-bucket
type: S3
name: example-pipeline
roleArn: arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/codepipeline-role
- actions:
- actionTypeId:
category: Source
owner: ThirdParty
provider: GitHub
version: '1'
Branch: master
OAuthToken: '****'
Owner: foo
PollForSourceChanges: 'true'
Repo: example-repo
inputArtifacts: []
name: Source
- name: code
runOrder: 1
name: Source
- actions:
- actionTypeId:
category: Build
owner: AWS
provider: CodeBuild
version: '1'
EnvironmentVariables: "[{\n\t\"name\": \"ENVIRONMENT\",\n\t\"value\": \"prod\",\n\t\"type\":
ProjectName: sample-build
- name: code
name: Build
outputArtifacts: []
runOrder: 2
name: deploy-step
version: 3
We can convert this to cloudformation like this since all the attributes are just there as in this sample snippet:
Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
Location: example-artifact-bucket
Type: S3
Name: example-pipeline
RoleArn: arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/codepipeline-role
- Actions:
- ActionTypeId:
Category: Source
Owner: ThirdParty
Provider: GitHub
Version: '1'
Branch: master
OAuthToken: '****'
Owner: foo
PollForSourceChanges: 'true'
Repo: example-repo
InputArtifacts: []
Name: Source
- Name: code
RunOrder: 1
Name: Source
- Actions:
- ActionTypeId:
Category: Build
Owner: AWS
Provider: CodeBuild
Version: '1'
EnvironmentVariables: "[{\n\t\"name\": \"ENVIRONMENT\",\n\t\"value\": \"prod\",\n\t\"type\":
ProjectName: sample-build
- Name: code
Name: Build
OutputArtifacts: []
RunOrder: 2
Name: deploy-step
As could be seen from the conversion all you need to do is change the attribute names from camel case to pascal to fit them as a cloudformation resource, the next step would be to change certain values to variables to generalize the template but that's case specific and could be left for the reader.
I'll start by assuming an api gateway is created an deployed using the console and has this id "fffffffffd" and this stage name "test", and you have aws cli v2 installed and creds configured.
This one is simpler, all you need to do is grab the extended swagger and drop it inside the cloudformation template and create variables/generalize.
aws2 apigateway get-export \
--parameters extensions='apigateway' \
--accepts application/yaml \
--rest-api-id fffffffffd \
--stage-name test \
--export-type swagger \
And this is a sample swagger output:
Now just add this to the cloudformation template, for example:
Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api
BasePath: "/foo"
swagger: "2.0"
version: "2020-01-09T06:49:46Z"
title: "example-api"
host: ""
- "https"
responses: {}
uri: "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-west-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_id>:function:example-func/invocations"
passthroughBehavior: "when_no_match"
httpMethod: "POST"
type: "aws_proxy"
Description: "an api"
And now you can use variables to generalize it.
The examples in this article are basic and simple and was done using cloudformation but this concept could be generalized where you could use terraform or other automation tool the same way and it's mostly helpful when you have a complicated resource that the console UI could help guide you to create if you're using it for the first time.